Think skin care is for only women? You are not alone. Truth is you are already using plenty of skin care - face wash, bar soaps, shaving creams, moisturizers, etc. Just not the right kind. Your face is one of your most important assets in social encounters, yet you might be investing the least in taking good care of your face. As a professional, you probably take pride in the way you work- so why not the way you look? But skin care may be lagging. The reality first...
Now this guide gives you a way to achieve face that looks 5-10 years younger.
Men have 25% thicker skin than women. Men generally have oilier skin than women. Men can have bad skin because of slow cell-turn over, oil control problem, loss of water, degradation of elastin or collagen or a combination of these reasons.
To give you great skin, we have designed a skin care regimen around what you may already be doing everyday, with a extra step or two to correct any problems for a short duration.
Remember, identifying skin imperfections is half the solution. The other half is selecting the right product and the right regimen. B.LAB makes it all easy in the Man's Guide to Skin Care.
We will show you exactly how. Read on...
What is it: The surface skin takes longer than 21 days to be replaced
Common problems: dullness, greasy skin and clogged pores
What causes it: Genetics, age
Goal: Exfoliate and declog pores
What is it: Sebaceous glands (oil glands) become overactive
Common Problems: Greasy skin, infections, acne and irritation
What causes it: Stress, hormonal, genetic and environmental ageing, bad skin care
Myth: Eating oily foods cause excess oil. Not true.
Goal: Balance oil levels without stripping off all oil
What is it: Water in between skin layers is lost
Common Problems: Dryness, sensitivity, thinning skin
What causes it: Stress, diet, UV damage, ageing, cheap products
Goal: Restore water levels in skin
Skin has low-permeability, meaning it keeps bad s**t out. Water loss indicates increased permeability to external particles. In other words, dry sensitive skin may increase risk of infections and UV damage. Cheap skin care increases skin permeability by altering the pH balance. Think twice before using that "natural face wash" which costs just Rs. 150.
Cleanse, Protect and Repair: Maintaining good skin is fairly simple. Use high quality products to do the following. Cleansing and exfoliation, sun screen and moisturization. B.LAB products are designed to make this regimen easy to follow.
What is it: Increase in melanin production
Common Problems: Tanning, uneven skin tone
What causes it: UV exposure, hormones and ageing
What is it: Protein fibres (collagen and elastin) degrade
Common Problems: Sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles
What causes it: Ageing, stress, prolonged UV exposure and hormones
The following supplementation can be taken with your meals. Follow information on the package. Buy quality supplements. We also recommend that you clean up your diet eliminating process, sugary or packaged products and replacing it with more healthy protein rich foods and healthy fats.
Vitamin D3