Request Return or Exchange by filling out the form above. You will require your invoice and the email with which you booked your order.
Once your return or exchange request is received, our team will send you a Return Merchandise Authorization Number. Without RMA #, no requests will be processed.
Send back product with all its original packing to the return address sent to you along with the RMA instructions. Do not send it to head office as it will delay the process.
Once B.LAB receives the product at its warehouse, our team will quickly initiate the refund or ship out replacement, whichever is allowed as our returns/exchange policy. Once approved, the refund will be initiated within 10 working days.
Check your spam box. Sometimes, email notifications will end up in your spam or junk folder. Add "" to your contact/white list so you can see these emails.
Simply log back here or we will be sending you regular email updates on your return/exchange.
It may take upto 10 business days for returns and exchanges to be completed once we receive the defective product.
If the system doesn't allow you to log a refund/exchange request, simply send us an email at We will do our best to resolve your issue.